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  • How do I support my gifted learner at home?
    Great question! Our best district resources for supporting our gifted learners at home is our Parent Padlet. The Parent Padlet holds all types of information from at-home extensions and enrichments to summer and weekend programs created for gifted learners.
  • What are typical characteristics in gifted + talented students?
    All gifted and talented students are unique. But typically you may see these characteristics: high level of intensity, enjoys learning, is a rapid learner, depth of perception, keen sense of observation and an impressive memory, sophisticated language and thought process, ability to recognize multiple pathways, and high levels of perfectionism, perseverance, and sensitivity.
  • What is Gifted Game Night?
    As our exceptional learners grow, as parents we can quickly feel that they are outgrowing us. How do we help our child when they are "smarter" than us? One great option is to play family games gearing towards thinking processes, strategy, and social interaction. We created Gifted Game Night to unable families of gifted students to get together and have fun....while learning together! Games are expensive and knowing what games may be a good option for your gifted child can be daunting. By having the game night at the school families are able to try-on game options. We will have nightly winners who get to take their favorite family game home, too. Gifted Game Night will begin during the 2023-2024 school year. Look out for the event details!
  • What services can WBLS offer gifted+talented students?
    District Wide: -We are working towards training all teachers to provide gifted education services to students. We will also continue to offer acceleration opportunities. -We hope to offer pull-out enrichment activities starting for the 2023-2024 school year. -We have created an enrichment library that will have loanable Learning Kits, books, and more! The Learning Kits may be borrowed from families and/or teachers. The kits are free and created with grade-levels and identifications in mind. We are building a website to house the Learning Kits, this spring and we will launch this fall. -Finally, we are continuing with our Parent/District Gifted Team (meetings TBA), a new Gifted Game Night, and an annual Gifted 101 meeting where we discuss our services, testing, and gifted FAQ’s. Elementary + Middle School: -The District will continue to offer the County ESC Pull-out Program, Challenge, for 3-6 grade students with superior cognitive identifications. -We hope to offer push-in services for K-3 students throughout the year, with teacher interest. The P.E.T.S. Program helps students identify their preferred style of thinking and how to build on their natural abilities through fun hands-on activities. High School: -Along with continuing to serve our students in the classroom, and through CCP, we are offering two brand new hybrid learning options. The two classes will be offered to Sophomore-Senior. -The GT Mentorship/Apprenticeship Course offers students the ability to work with a business of interest, network, and get hands-on/real world experience that can help them after high school. GT Master Class where students work closely with the GIS to create areas of study (British Literature, Battle Bots, a Business Plan, the sky's the limit!) and students will choose their presentation method at the end of the semester.
  • What does Gifted+Talented mean?
    A gifted student is defined by the State of Ohio as, "one who preforms or shows potential for preforming at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience, or environment."
  • Can you become "not gifted"?
    Giftedness is forever. Once identified, always identified. Whether a student earns A's or F's they will not lose their identification status.
  • Are the Learning Kits free?
    Yes! Our Learning Kit are absolutely free. Our hope is the inspire curiosity and enrich our student's minds at home as well as in the classroom. One of the most important elements of the Learning Kits is to provide enrichment activities for families who may not have the means or ability to acquire these extensions for learning at home. All families (gifted + talented) or not are welcome and encouraged to participate in the Learning Kits!
  • I believe my child is gifted, but not identified. What should I do?
    You are welcome to submit the Referral for Testing (under the Services tab) on the navigation bar on this website. Your referral will be processed and testing will be completed. Parents will be informed of the outcome of all testing.
  • Is my child eligible for the Challenge Pull-Out Program?
    If you child is in grades 3-6 and has a superior cognitive identification they are eligible to participate in the Challenge program.
  • What if I have a question that has not been answered on FAQ?
    Please email and she will get back with you as soon as possible.
  • Where do I find the referral form?
    You can click under "Services" on this website. Or access the referral form through the shortcuts tab on ABRE.
  • How do I access ABRE?
    Simply go to and log in with your google account or facebook.
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